Helping you overcome your case

Professional License Defense Attorneys in Detroit, Michigan

If you’re a professional working in the healthcare industry, you know how important your job is. You’re responsible for the health and safety of every patient that you serve, and this means obtaining a professional healthcare license and keeping it in good standing. However, when your actions are called into question, it could mean that your licensure is put in jeopardy and you could risk losing your job. In these cases, you may wish to hire a professional licensing defense attorney who can help you defend your license or seek to have it reinstated.  

If you’re in the Detroit, Michigan, area and you’d like to speak with an experienced healthcare attorney about the healthcare license disciplinary process in Michigan, reach out to us at Ratton Law Group PC

For Strong Representation 

Reasons Your License May Be Threatened  

There are a number of reasons your license may be threatened, and you’ll want to act quickly if you feel yours is in danger. Of course, the biggest consequence of losing your license or having it suspended is that you won’t be able to work and this means you won’t be bringing in much-needed income.  

One way your license may be threatened is if you’re accused of unacceptable actions on the job, for example, engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient. The state board takes accusations like these very seriously because it could be seen that you’re not keeping the best interests of your patients in mind.  

You may also be accused of “gross incompetence” in your profession, which means someone has brought a claim of negligence against you. They may think you’ve done something that’s not in standing with your profession or that you failed to provide a certain level of care for your patients that’s required by your license. Even if you feel these charges are unfounded, it’s essential you defend yourself and your livelihood.  

Lastly, your license could be threatened because of accusations of drug use on or off the job or substance or alcohol convictions. This could be an allegation that you’ve misused prescription drugs or that you’ve failed a drug test that indicated illicit drugs were in your system.   

Steps to Take If You Are Under Investigation  

The most important step you can take in a situation like this is to hire an experienced attorney. A skilled lawyer can educate you on your options, investigate your case, organize evidence, and craft the best possible professional healthcare license defense. You also need to be aware that you may face litigation. Your lawyer can help defend against this as well and help you avoid losing your license or having it suspended.  

You’ll next want to locate any relevant documentation or evidence that could help in your case, including performance reviews, copies of any disciplinary actions, or statements from others who can testify on your behalf. 

Michigan Healthcare License Disciplinary Process  

Once a complaint has been filed against you, it will be reviewed by the Bureau of Professional Licensing. After this, the board will either close the case if there’s not enough evidence to substantiate the claim, or they’ll move it forward for investigation. During this next stage, the board will look at all available evidence and interview anyone who’s involved in the case. If they find the allegation is valid, you could then be in danger of losing your license. If this happens, your lawyer can help you with your petition to reinstate your occupational license. 


Professional Licensing Defense Attorneys Serving Detroit, Michigan 

Protect your livelihood and career. If you’ve recently been accused of unprofessional behavior and are concerned that your healthcare license may be at risk, contact us at Ratton Law Group PC in Detroit, Michigan. Let’s discuss the facts of your unique situation and start building a solution together.

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