Helping you overcome your case

Toxic & Chemical Exposure Lawyers in Detroit, Michigan

Exposure to toxic chemicals or dangerous substances, such as asbestos, petroleum products, solvents, lead, pesticides, glues, and adhesives, can cause serious injuries and devastating health effects on the victims. Such health issues include severe lung injury, mesothelioma, cancer, lung disease, cognitive dysfunction, or other chronic illnesses. In some situations, the chemical exposure happens in low doses over an extended period of time. It can take several years for those affected to realize the magnitude of the damage.

If you have suffered an injury due to exposure to toxic chemicals or substances, you may be eligible to recover damages. At Ratton Law Group PC, we have the experience, diligence, and resources to help you hold those responsible for your injuries accountable. Our skilled Michigan personal injury attorneys will investigate the facts of your unique situation, determine whether you have a case, and explore your possible options to pursue damages. We will fight passionately to protect your rights and help you seek fair financial compensation for your injuries, ongoing medical treatment, and other potential damages.

Ratton Law Group PC proudly serves clients in and around Detroit, Michigan.

Representation You Can Trust

Workplace Exposure to Harmful Substances

Here are some ways individuals and employees are protected against exposure to harmful substances:

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act)

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) of 1970 is the main federal law that addresses workplace health and safety. The OSH Act provides the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with the authority to adopt various standards to address significant workplace hazards, including chemical hazards and toxic substances.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers several environmental laws that address chemicals, including provisions applicable to occupational exposures. The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 authorizes the EPA to provide a comprehensive framework that addresses reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions regarding chemicals, toxic substances, or mixtures.

OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)

OSHA sets enforceable permissible exposure limits (PELs) to protect employees against the health impacts of exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic, dangerous substances, including limits on the airborne concentrations of harmful chemicals in the air. The majority of OSHA PELs are 8-hour time-weighted averages (TWAs).

Chemical Exposure Types

Exposure to chemicals and toxic substances may occur through any of the following routes:

  • Inhalation

  • Ingestion

  • Contact with the skin and eyes

  • Injection

Regardless of the type or route of chemical exposure, these toxic substances often cause severe injuries and damage to body organs and tissues.

Common Chemical Exposure Injuries

Here are some common injuries that may occur due to chemical exposure:

  • Lung injuries and chronic lung conditions, such as emphysema or asthma

  • Brain injuries

  • Mesothelioma

  • Lung or liver disease

  • Silicosis

  • Asbestosis

  • Cancer

  • Nerve damage and paralysis

  • Learning disabilities

  • Birth defects and infertility

  • Childhood lead poisoning

  • Wrongful death

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury due to chemical exposure, you need to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney immediately. Your lawyer can evaluate the facts of your unique situation and enlighten you about what to do.

What to Do When Injury Occurs

When an injury occurs due to chemical exposure, the possible options to recover damages include seeking workers’ compensation benefits or filing a personal injury claim.

Workers’ Compensation

Under Michigan workers’ compensation laws, employees who are exposed to toxic chemicals and harmful compounds are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These include:

  • Medical treatment for allergic reactions, occupational asthma, and other health conditions

  • Medical rehabilitation services

  • Up to 80% of the after-tax value of your wage loss if you’re unable to work

  • Vocational rehabilitation

  • Total and permanent disability benefits

  • Death benefits and burial expenses

Personal Injury Claim

If you have been exposed to toxic substances, you may pursue compensation by filing personal injury claims. Here are the available damages:

  • Medical expenses, including ongoing and future medical treatment

  • Lost wages and benefits

  • Reduced quality of life

  • Disability

  • Pain and suffering

Many different parties may be held liable in a chemical exposure case depending on the surrounding circumstances. This includes:

  • Manufacturers

  • Suppliers

  • Property owners

  • Workplace managers

  • Contractors

  • Other users

Every case is unique and determining the responsible party may present different challenges. The sooner you retain a skilled lawyer to fight on your side and advocate for your best interests, the better protected your rights can be. Reach out to our trusted attorneys at Ratton Law Group PC right away to get the vigorous legal representation that you deserve in your chemical exposure claims.

Work With an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Exposure to chemicals and toxic substances can leave a victim with devastating, long-term injuries. Even after seeking initial medical treatment, you may still have ongoing health issues that affect your life and general well-being for many years to come.

Victims of chemical exposure may be entitled to seek compensation for the injuries and losses suffered. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial to explore your possible options to recover damages and help file your injury claims.

At Ratton Law Group PC, our attorneys are highly experienced and knowledgeable in handling personal injury cases involving chemical exposures and toxic torts. As your legal counsel, we will:

  • Review every aspect of your case and conduct a thorough, private investigation

  • Gather relevant information, evidence, and required documentation

  • Help prove fault and establish liability

  • Determine the full extent of your injuries and estimate the case value

  • Determine whether to seek workers’ compensation benefits or file personal injury claims

  • Help negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance companies involved

  • Take additional legal action, if necessary

Our attorneys will fight diligently to protect your best interests and work to hold the liable parties accountable. We will help you seek compensation for your injuries, damages, pain and suffering, or loss.

flask with toxic chemical

Chemical Exposure Attorneys in Detroit, MI

If you have suffered an injury due to exposure to toxic chemicals or substances, you may pursue fair financial compensation. Call Ratton Law Group PC today to schedule a simple case evaluation. Our skilled attorneys can offer you the experienced legal counsel, support, and vigorous representation you need in your chemical exposure injury claims. We’re proud to serve clients across Detroit, Michigan.

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